2017-12-27 - Glove Sisters


~6.5 mi @ ~13.9 min/mi

"Alligator warning signs were up - but he went swimming in the lagoon anyway!" Kerry reports on her dog Sid's love of the water during a recent family visit. The Dawn Patrol does a quick loop, meanders back to pick up a late arrival, then makes a beeline to Starbucks. Holiday lights decorate the 'hood. Temps start at freezing and creep downward. As we begin Molly runs hands-in-pockets, gloves forgotten. Cait immediately peels hers off and offers them, and Kerry gives Molly a couple of iron-oxidation hand-warmers. We always help each other!

"He was 6'9" and she was only 5' tall!" A pair of sousaphone players in the local high school band made an odd couple. Molly remembers that her cello was not easy to march with! During a discussion of coffee grinders and music boxes we invent the ultimate mash-up. Cait promises to "systems-engineer the $#*% out of it!"

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-01-22